Galaxy S6 – Worth it as a Flasher?
As an Android user and someone who really loves to flash and root every single Android device to get more power out of itĀ for a longer time rather than buying a new one I know the frustration some users have with their Galaxy S6. Why? Because Samsung decided to include a technology called “Knox” into their new flagship device.
We already know Knox from a few other, older devices such as the Galaxy S5, Note 4, Galaxy Alpha and others. On paper this technology sounds really great for people working at a company, like me as example, so I gave it a try for a few weeks. In a nutshell you’re able to put all your company related, secure stuff into a separate container onto the device which you’re able to remotely delete and wipe once the device gets lost. Great idea, right? Yeah, nah…
A container isn’t the only thing Knox secures, it’s also your whole device meaning that you can’t really modify stuff without “tripping” it. But what exactly does “tripping” mean? Long story short: Once that happens your warranty is gone, forever. No way back, no hack to reverse it, just gone. It sounds bad and yes so it is.
On earlier devices featuring Knox they implemented a software solution which was easily recoverable and reset-able once triggered, also known as “Triangle Away” for some of you guys. But in the Galaxy S6 there’s an actual hardware fuse that gets burned through once Knox is tripped on this device which means you’re not able to do anything about it. So as a hacker, flasher and/or rooter you’re pretty much stuck with the choices of either having fun, having more fun (example rooting without tripping Knox) or void everything and have the maximum fun you’ll get with the S6.
In conclusion: No, the Galaxy S6 is not worth to get when you’re a flasher/hacker/rooter and want to explore the depths of Android, Custom ROMs and so on. You can however root it (if you’re not on the latest 5.1.1 update to this date) without tripping Knox which is at least something.
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